Washi Paper | This material maximizes the texture and impression of traditional paper, offering a sense of luxury. Although called washi paper, it is not limited to traditional Japanese designs and can be used for a wide range of design applications.
OBROS COFFEE Product Stickers
OBROS COFFEE Coffee Base OBROS COFFEE Coffee Base OBROS COFFEE Product Sticke... -
Minabe Craft Umeshu Labels
Minabe Craft Umeshu Label Seal Label Lot Number Last Year's Yii Minabe Craft ... -
Kiitos - Product Labels
Craft Cola Label Chocolate Label Kiitos Product Label Kiitos Product Labels W... -
Marui Partnership - Sake Labels
Marui Partnership Sake Labels We created a sake label for Marui Joint Company... -
Original Foil Stamped Embossed Stickers
Original Foil Stamped Embossed Stickers We created original seals for the des... -
Donnerdugateau - Product Stickers
Donnerdugateau Product Stickers We produced product seals for Donnerdugateau'... -
Sakaki Winery Co., Ltd. - Wine Labels
Sakaki Winery Wine Labels We created the label for the fruit wine "Saekoori" ... -
KOU Co., Ltd. - Embossed Foil Stamping Stickers
KOU Embossed Stickers We created ambassador certification seals for KOU's com...