Sheep Sunrise - Domed Stickers

羊SUNRISE ポッティングシール

Enhance Seal Value with Potting Processing

CustomerSheep Sunrise
IndustryFood and Beverage
Business Scale-
Business DescriptionOperates a Genghis Khan Restaurant
Reason for Choosing Kojima Label
It was specified by their design agency.
NeedsThey want to create both potting seals and labels for refrigerated products.

Consultation Details

The project involved creating a "potting seal" featuring a logo and a "commercial label." While the material for each was left to our discretion, they requested that the label use an adhesive suitable for refrigerated conditions. The printing for both was specified to be in a single black color. The potting seals will be distributed as novelties, and the product labels will be used in-house.

Our Proposal

For the potting seals, we proposed using white PVC, which works well with potting. As they were intended as novelties, we recommended a die-cut (full cut) finish. ※Potting Seal refers to a seal with a resin overlay.
On the other hand, for the commercial labels—designed for use on refrigerated and frozen meats—we selected Yupo material with a freezer-grade adhesive. These were also printed in a single black color and delivered as sheets.

Detailed Specifications

Potting Seal

MaterialWhite Matte PVC (solvent strong adhesive)
Printing MethodRelief Printing
Number of Colors1 color (black)
FinishFull cut
Mass Production Lead Time15 business days (excluding weekends and holidays)~

Business Label

MaterialYupo 80μ (frozen adhesive)
Dimensions127×74mm (rectangle)
Printing MethodRelief Printing
Number of Colors1 color (black)
Finish5 pieces / 1 sheet
Mass Production Lead Time5 business days (excluding weekends and holidays)~

※Orders are available starting from 1,000 pieces.

Sheep Sunrise Potting Seal
Sheep Sunrise Writing Label

client:Sheep Sunrise
"Freshness is the key for lamb." The character for "fresh" includes fish and sheep, symbolizing the importance of freshness. Sheep SUNRISE offers domestic and imported lamb (including lamb, hogget, and mutton) without freezing to maintain freshness.

From product development to SNS operation, we support business growth with an integrated brand strategy.

Potting Stickers

Domed Stickers | Product Page

Dome-shaped surface stickers.