Stop the Season in the Sun Fluorescent Sticker

Stop the Season in the Sun Fluorescent Sticker

Bright Fluorescent Yellow Shop Stickers

ClientStop the Season in the Sun
IndustryRestaurant Industry
Business scale-
Business contentSOUND STAND
Reason for choosing Kojima LabelThey have a proven track record with fluorescent stickers.
NeedsThey wanted to create shop cards and stickers using fluorescent yellow material.

Request details

This is a fluorescent sticker production request. The client specified fluorescent yellow material for the stickers. They wanted to use these as shop cards, so the finish would be die-cut with black printing in one color.

Our proposal

We provided an estimate using fluorescent yellow Luminon with water-based strong adhesive. While fluorescent materials are slightly more expensive compared to other coated papers, the cost was reduced by using only black printing.

Detailed specifications

MaterialFluorescent paper Yellow
Dimensions80 x 60 mm (Rectangle)
Printing methodLetterpress printing
Number of colors1 color (K100%)
FinishCutting (Trimming)
Mass production delivery time6 business days (excluding weekends and holidays)~

※Orders are available starting from 1,000 pieces.

Stop the Season in the Sun Fluorescent Sticker
Stop the Season in the Sun Fluorescent Sticker
Fluorescent Sticker
Fluorescent Sticker
Fluorescent Sticker
Stop the Season in the Sun

A very unique restaurant in Harajuku. The food and music seem enjoyable, so I plan to visit soon.

Client: Stop the Season in the Sun
The concept is "More than 'Izakaya' Less than 'Night club'." In other words, it's more than an izakaya, less than a nightclub.

Design: Terminal Inc.
Terminal Inc. has teams for design, planning, and management, providing comprehensive creative development.
They plan what to say and how to deliver it, and materialize it with optimal design. They manage projects smoothly, with each team working seamlessly together to solve client challenges.